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[[Image:Cider_apple_harvest_2021_orchard_1600_faa102021.jpg|thumb|Cider tree during the harvest season.]]
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Cidrerie Jara}}
This page is dedicated to the '''[[Jara|Cidrerie Jara]]''' project which is lead by me [[User:Algoldor|František Algoldor Apfelbeck]]. Most of the info is at the moment at [ Food Hacking Base wiki here], it will be migrated to this page within late winter and early spring of 2022. If you need to contact me just send me an email to algoldor you know the sign or give me a call on +33(0)624792288, thank you!
This page is dedicated to the '''[[Jara|Cidrerie Jara]]''' project which is lead by [[User:Algoldor|František Algoldor Apfelbeck]]. If you want to get in touch, send an email to info "you know the sign" or to algoldor again "you still remember the sign" or send a message or give a call to +33(0)624792288, thank you!

'''[[news|Latest News:]]''' [[cider_tour_2021|Overview of Cider Tour 2021]], 22/9/2021
                                      [[sale|'''Sale of Products and Services''']] & [[Jara_payment_info|Payment details]]

'''Next Events''':  
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[ '''SIVAL], Angers, France, 15th to 17th of March 2022'''. We will be participating at the cider gathering which happens on last day of SIVAL on 17/3/2022.
'''[[news|Latest News]]'''

'''Tour de Fruit, Saumur, France, 26th to 27th of May 2022'''. We will be presenting our products at this lovely friendly cider dedicated event.
* [[News_2024_10_10|News 10/10/2024]] / [[zpravy_2024_10_10|Zprávy 10/10/2024]] First harvesting trip / CZ První sklizňový výlet
* [[News_2024_09_09|News 9/9/2024]] / [[zpravy_2024_09_09|Zprávy 9/9/2024]] L'ete indien / CZ Indiánské léto
* [[News_2024_08_03|News 3/8/2024]] / [[zpravy_2024_08_03|Zprávy 3/8/2024]] Fermenting under the summer shine / CZ Kvašení pod letními paprsky

'''[ Cider World Frankfurt] in Frankfurt, Germany, 10th to 12th of June'''. We will be present with our products at this biggest annual event dedicated to cider in Europe.
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== [[events_2024|Next Events]] ==
[[Image:Zatisi_karavan_cidre_apples_st092024.jpeg|thumb|right|Quiet corner at our caravan during harvest season/Tiché zátiší v našem karavanu během sezóny sběru a transformace.]]

Latest revision as of 19:22, 11 October 2024

This page is dedicated to the Cidrerie Jara project which is lead by František Algoldor Apfelbeck. If you want to get in touch, send an email to info "you know the sign" or to algoldor again "you still remember the sign" or send a message or give a call to +33(0)624792288, thank you!

                                     Sale of Products and Services & Payment details

Latest News

Next Events

  • 19-20/10/2024 Autumn fair on Zámek Kozel will be our first there during this time of the year, so if you like our products, lovely historical settings and you are living not too far, how about showing up?

CZ Podzimní Jarmark na Zámku Kozel bude naší první podzimní akcí v této půvabné historické lokalitě. Pokud se Vám podobná "aranžmá" líbí, máte rádi naše produkty a nejste z daleka, tak co se ukázat?

  • 20 - 21/10 - 1/11/2024 Second harvesting trip to Normandie. We will be leaving on Sunday or Monday and stay till 31th of October or 1th of November. This time main activities will be harvesting and pressing, most likely also distillation.

CZ Druhý sklizňový výlet do Normandie. Odjezd je naplánován na neděli či pondělí 20-21/10, návrat na čtvrtek 31/10 či pátek 1/11. Hlavním cílem tohoto výletu bude sběr a transformace jablek, pravděpodobně i destilace.

  • 17/11/2024 Švihov fair which is one of the "special events" in our region at this medieval defense marvel. If you like contemporary events in historical setting, well come and enjoy! The event was moved to Sunday 17th of November because of the extreme weather.

CZ Jarmark na hradě Švihov je jednou ze speciálních akcí v našem regionu, která se koná na této "obranné perle". Pokud máte rádi současné akce zasazené do historických kulis, tak neváhejte a stavte se! Akce byla kvůli poryvovým větrům přesunuta na neděli sedmnáctého listopadu.

Past Events


Quiet corner at our caravan during harvest season/Tiché zátiší v našem karavanu během sezóny sběru a transformace.