News 2024 08 03: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "<<<Zpět na hlavní stránku>>> Zdravíme Vás, na Vaše letní dovolené, domů na zahrádku ke grilu či na akce, které k létu patří, ahoj. Srpen je zde, léto se přehouplo do své druhé půli. Ti kteří nás potkali na akcích v posledním měsíci a půl již ví, že se nám podařilo zprovoznit čep s vodním chlazením. Máme tedy již na čepu naše cidry, hlavně "letničku", která je s příměsí medu a zázvoru. Také jsme pro Vás vykv...")
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Zdravíme Vás,
[[Image:White_current_berries_syrup_1600_072024.jpg|thumb|right|Berries for the white current syrup.]]
na Vaše letní dovolené, domů na zahrádku ke grilu či na akce, které k létu patří, ahoj. Srpen je zde, léto se přehouplo do své druhé půli. Ti kteří nás potkali na akcích v posledním měsíci a půl již ví, že se nám podařilo zprovoznit čep s vodním chlazením. Máme tedy již na čepu naše cidry, hlavně "letničku", která je s příměsí medu a zázvoru. Také jsme pro Vás vykvasili probiotický nealkoholický nápoj "medovou perlivku". Med, někdy s trochou cukru, jsme rozkvasili kefírovou syrovátkou a před stáčením do sudů a lahví přidali příchuť. Zatím hodně letí rooibos "slunce v buši", která je ochucena směsí bylin a koření, pomerančovou kůrou, malinami, měsíčkem a dalšími, je to velmi svěží přírodní mix. Ti z Vás kteří jste přírodě blíže, jste si jistě všimli, že ovoce tento rok spěje do velmi časné sklizně. V České Republice v tuto chvíli vrcholí sezóna [ myrobalánu] alias špendlíků a v Praze již začínají být zralé bezinky, i letní jablka, žitnavky jsou již zralé. Myrobalány a bezinky doporučujeme mimo jiné na sirupy. Jinak z dalších kvasných aktivit bychom rádi brzy rozjeli kombuchový kvas.
[[Image:White_current_sugar_layer_syrup_1600_072024.jpg|thumb|right|Sugar layer for the white current syrup.]]
[[Image:White_current_berries_layer_syrup_1600_072024.jpg|thumb|right|Berries layer for white current syrup]]
[[Image:Old_good_england_ciders_selection_1600_072024.jpg|thumb|right|Some candidates for "Old Good England" cider flows.]]
[[Image:Kozel_stand_kvasirna_jara_1600_072024.jpg|thumb|right|Our stand at the summer jarmark at castle Kozel.]]

Taktéž již probíhají přípravy na podzimní sběr a transformaci jablek, více o [[cidre_sezona_2024|sezóně 2024 najdete zde]]. Tento rok plánujeme sklízet na turnusy o délce přibližně deseti dnů s dvěma a půl týdny mezičasu. První spanilá jízda by byla od 24/9 do 3/10, druhá v termínu 22 až 31/10 a poslední 19 až 28/11. Data jsou přibližná, ale je velmi pravděpodobné, že výjezdy budou tři a přibližně v tomto časovém horizontu. Pokud máte zájem se přidat, tak nám dejte prosím vědět. Rádi bychom dali dohromady skupinu třech až šesti lidí, kteří by si chtěli užít nějaký ten čas v Normandii, pomoci se sklizní a se zpracováním. Budeme mít dva až tři dny volna týdně, cesta tam a zpět (dohromady), pobyt a jídlo je na nás. A ano, pití bude dost.  
To by bylo co se týče těch nejdůležitějších novinek vše, přejeme Vám krásné vrcholné léto a brzy někde na viděnou!
to your holidays, to your gardens when grilling or to the events which just go with summer time, hi! August is here and our "summer glasses" are getting rather half full than half empty, we have had our share this year. Those of you who has met us at some of the events in the last month and half know, that we have succeeded in setting up our draft system with water cooling. We have therefore on draft our ciders, especially "summer cider/letnička", which flavoured by variety of enchanting ingredients, for example ginger, rosemar or melisa. We have also fermented for you probiotic non alcoholic beverage "honey sparkle/medovou perlivku". Honey, mixed sometimes with bit of sugar, was dissolved in water, fermented by kefir whey and before bottling and kegging flavour was added. Recently very popular is rooibos mix "sun in the bushes/slunce v buši", which is flavoured by mix of herbs and spices like orange peel, raspberries, marigold (Calendula  officinalis) and other, which is very natural and refreshing. Those of you who are closer to the nature have surely noticed, that the fruits this year are maturing early. In Czech Republic the season of [ myrobalan (''Prunus cerasifera'')] is peaking and in Prague you can find already matured elder berries and summer apples. We recommend myrobalan and elder berries for making syrups as we plan to do. Concerning other fermentation activities, we are ready to restart our kombucha fermentations.

Za Kvasírnu Jara zdraví,
There are also preparations on the way concerning the autumn 2024 season of harvesting and transformation of apples, you can find  [[cidre_season_2024|more about it here]]. This year we plan to harvest in turns of ten days with two weeks periods in between. The first harvest block is scheduled approximately from 24/9 to 3/10, second from 22nd till 31th of October and last from 19th till 28th of November. The times are approximate, it is highly likely that there will be three trips around these dates. If you would like to join please let me know. We would like put together a working team of three to six people, who would like to enjoy time in Normandie and help with the harvest and processing. We will have two to three off days during the week. The trip there and back (if coming all together), plus food will be covered by Kvasírna Jara. And yes, we will keep ourselves well hydrated during the stay.

František Apfelbeck
Before saying our farewells, here are some recommendations [[Events_2024|for events]] where we can meet next month or so!
This would be all concerning the news, once more best high summer wishes and see you soon!
For Kvasírna Jara,
František Algoldor Apfelbeck

Latest revision as of 12:33, 30 August 2024

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Berries for the white current syrup.
Sugar layer for the white current syrup.
Berries layer for white current syrup
Some candidates for "Old Good England" cider flows.
Our stand at the summer jarmark at castle Kozel.

Greetings, to your holidays, to your gardens when grilling or to the events which just go with summer time, hi! August is here and our "summer glasses" are getting rather half full than half empty, we have had our share this year. Those of you who has met us at some of the events in the last month and half know, that we have succeeded in setting up our draft system with water cooling. We have therefore on draft our ciders, especially "summer cider/letnička", which flavoured by variety of enchanting ingredients, for example ginger, rosemar or melisa. We have also fermented for you probiotic non alcoholic beverage "honey sparkle/medovou perlivku". Honey, mixed sometimes with bit of sugar, was dissolved in water, fermented by kefir whey and before bottling and kegging flavour was added. Recently very popular is rooibos mix "sun in the bushes/slunce v buši", which is flavoured by mix of herbs and spices like orange peel, raspberries, marigold (Calendula officinalis) and other, which is very natural and refreshing. Those of you who are closer to the nature have surely noticed, that the fruits this year are maturing early. In Czech Republic the season of myrobalan (Prunus cerasifera) is peaking and in Prague you can find already matured elder berries and summer apples. We recommend myrobalan and elder berries for making syrups as we plan to do. Concerning other fermentation activities, we are ready to restart our kombucha fermentations.

There are also preparations on the way concerning the autumn 2024 season of harvesting and transformation of apples, you can find more about it here. This year we plan to harvest in turns of ten days with two weeks periods in between. The first harvest block is scheduled approximately from 24/9 to 3/10, second from 22nd till 31th of October and last from 19th till 28th of November. The times are approximate, it is highly likely that there will be three trips around these dates. If you would like to join please let me know. We would like put together a working team of three to six people, who would like to enjoy time in Normandie and help with the harvest and processing. We will have two to three off days during the week. The trip there and back (if coming all together), plus food will be covered by Kvasírna Jara. And yes, we will keep ourselves well hydrated during the stay.

Before saying our farewells, here are some recommendations for events where we can meet next month or so!

This would be all concerning the news, once more best high summer wishes and see you soon!

For Kvasírna Jara,

František Algoldor Apfelbeck