News 2024 09 09

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Greetings to all, after a long warm summer is coming an autumn rich on harvest of so many things. Our main interest is set on apples, which seems to be quite abundant this time in Normnadie, hopefully not as much as last year, which was super rich. Even in Czech Republic we will have something. How is the weather going to be is an open question, however it is highly unlikely, that it can be worse in Normandie than last year. Not all of you can join us this season, we are understanding there. For you we will have at our events "stormer", fresh fermenting already alcoholic apple juice analogy of "vin bourru". If we manage to make dried sliced apples called in Czech "křížaly, we could fascinate you with these but lets see, fingers crossed. For these of you, who will join us during this season we will have much wider selection of course. We would like to highlight that this year we will organize three harvesting trips to Normandie and also probably three within Czech Republic. You will be rewarding yourself with some special and cool experience, profit from bed&board and for Normandie, way there and back sharing our car and of course, there will be some "liquid thanks" for your hard work. For more information please check here, we hope it will catch your interest and that you will join!

Pro ty z Vás co si chtějí pořídit naše cidry, tak se podívejte na info na našem eshopu. Není zatím ještě možné automaticky objednávat, je třeba objednávku udělat přes nás telefonky či lépe emailem : info (znáte ten znak) Také Vám můžeme objednávku předat na akcích, kde budeme. Pro září by jsme zmínili Zahradu Čech v Litoměřicích, 13-18 a jistě Slavnost Cideru, co bude v Praze v Crossu 20-22.

Nuže to by bylo pro tentokráte vše, popřejeme Vám hezký začátek podzimu a budume se brzy těšit někde na viděnou.

Za Kvasírnu Jara Vás zdraví,

František Apfelbeck