Jara payment info
From Cidrerie Jara
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To make payments or donations towards Cidrerie Jara project you can use fallowing details:
- Bank transfer (preferred):
- IBAN : CZ68 2010 0000 0020 0083 3482 (€)
- IBAN : CZ86 2010 0000 0028 0083 3480 (CZK)
- Please add the description for what is your payment or donation
- Bitcoin donation receiving address (František Algoldor Apfelbeck bitcoin wallet):
- Again please add the description for what is your payment or donation. If you are about making bigger order like over 200 or 300€ of value please let us know, the bitcoin value is sometimes oscillating quite a bit and we may have an issue to wait till it is back to the "reasonable" value which would cover the costs of production and generate projected profit.
- PayPal Send money to: algoldor@yahoo.com