Cidrerie Jara

From Cidrerie Jara
Revision as of 10:02, 21 January 2024 by Algoldor (talk | contribs)
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This page is dedicated to the Cidrerie Jara project which is lead by František Algoldor Apfelbeck. If you want to get in touch, send an email to info "you know the sign" or to algoldor again "you still remember the sign" or send a message or give a call to +33(0)624792288, thank you!

                                       Sale of Products and Services & Payment details

Latest News

Next Events

  • 20/7/2024 Farmářský Trh Náplavka, Praha, Czech Republic, summer market in the center of Prague, where you can meet us and enjoy our products including draft drinks.

CZ Další trh v centru Prahy, kde se můžeme potkat a užít si naše produkty včetně těch na čepu.

  • 26/7/2024 Anenská Pouť in Horšovský Týn is well known fair in our region, where we will be just for one day next to the coffee shop "NaKafe".

CZ Anenská Pouť v Horšovském Týně je velmi známou v našem kraji, budeme tam na jeden den hned vedle kavárny "Nakafe".

CZ Letní Jarmark na Zámku Kozel bude naší druhou akcí v této velmi hezké historické lokalitě.

Past Events


Beautiful bamboo artwork (photo JS).