News 2024 01 21

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Beautiful bamboo artwork (photo JS).
Beautiful bamboo artwork (photo JS).
Cider Flows at 37c3.
Heavy weight cider winner.

The new year has started, we wish to all of you again in the best way possible. As many of your are well aware, January is for most of the people who are involved with sales quite a quiet month. Markets which we have been doing over the year are suspended at least for this month or in some cases till March or April, with the organizers taking break to refresh for the next season. We hope to do a decent amount of cider tastings within next two months, so if you are interested to host us, let us know, now is really good time. Of course sales are not the only part of cider making endeavor. During the late autumn and winter, till spring, the cider is slowly fermenting. During this time we are doing soutirages/racking to get the cider ready for bottling, deciding slowly on the best candidates. It is quite an intensive process, nice one, doing the trade and what you like. Alas this year, and not for the first time, temperatures were too high for too long and the fermentation was therefore too swift. With no cold weather which would bring temperatures below 7°C when doing soutirage can be really effective cider got too dry for bottling as brut. Therefore this year unfortunately nearly all of our cider will be transformed into distillates and into vinegar. There may micro-cuvée or two made to have at least something, symbolically, to put the machines into the use and refresh our bottling skills but lets see. This is second year when situation like this happen, last other being 2021. The conditions next year may be the same or even worse, therefore we have to come up with a plan to to make sure, that at least 40 hl, 4 000 l of fine cider can be bottled as brut.

As in previous years, during February we plan to send our news letter out and also make a special offer selling our ciders temporarily online for especially favorable prices. Funds earned will be invested mainly into paying apples of 2023, buying oak tonneaus for the spirits and covering the costs of distillation. We will update you soon and share a link to the online shop where you can place your orders.

This would be for short updates, we will be looking forward to see you soon!

Sincerely for Cidrerie/Kvasírna Jara,
