Season2022 projection

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Apple spirit

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The start of the season in Normandie is set to 5th of October. During the season 2022 we aim to harvest all the apples from the orchards which we are renting with losses of below 10% and buy already harvested apples from farmers who sell to us on regular bases for the reasons of keeping our production base which works for us. Half of the crop should be paid before 15/12/2022, rest till end of March or April 2023, costs per tonne 160€ respectively 80€, if harvested by us. It is expected to gather and process around 30 tonnes of apples resulting in around 180-200 hl of moût totaling in cost of around 2 800€. Prestation of services for pressing should cost around 2 700€ in total, preferably paid again half before 15/12 and half till end of March or April 2023. We aim to bottle max 50 hl of cider keeping to 75 bottles méthode traditionnelle (basic champagne bottle) and 37.5 méthode traditionnelle, most likely using 27 mm wide bouchons/corks, 29 mm would be however preferred. If possible we bottle demi-sec definitely brut and micro-cuves of variety of flavours. The orchards should be well prepared so harvesting during the peak of the season is efficient. To achieve this we consider to buy sickle bar mower and string cutter, both totaling in investments of 600€. The grazing by animals is very efficient but final cut before the harvest should be done by machine. Rest of the cider from 2022 season needs to be distilled to make space in the cave, most of the oak barrels needed are already bought. Estimated costs for distillation should be around 700€. For transformation part one or two half IBCs serving as piscine de pommmes should be bought and either adapters for existing pump or another pump purchased, small older pump should be repaired. Electricity in the atelier and lights needs to be redesigned and atelier needs to be cleaned, bottles from 2020 properly sorted and stocked and in general the working place made ready for 2022 season. To accommodate people who want to join the project during the season, both caravans need to be prepared, tent of 5x10 m pitched, field kitchen set up with dinning place and shower with warm water and dry toilets build. To summarize the above, we want to keep our production sources, equip better for preparation of the orchards grounds for harvest, improve electricity and lights in the atelier, make more space by reorganization and distillation of cider from 2022 and set up decent conditions for people joining up for the season.

Time Line

  • 4/10/2022 arrival to Normandie
  • 5/10/2022 beginning of 2022 cider season
  • 5-17/10/2022 starting the season by first passing, harvesting firstly low quality apples which have fallen too early and early season apples and immediately cutting the grass after by sickle bar mower and giving it finishing cut by grass trimmer where necessary. The first passing will start at orchard in Vicel, three days to four days, next Morsalines, three days, Quettehou two days and Fontenay sur Mer, two days, including two days off. Apples need to be transported from the fields to atelier cidricole.
  • 16/10/2022 first pressing, preferably first passage done but only with help
  • 21/10/2022 setting up place for visitors, pitching up the 5x10 tent, setting up the kitchen, building up the toilets and shower and setting up the caravans, it should take around five days in and out likely doing other things too depending on the weather.
  • 28/10/2022 at latest starting second passage, 20/10 would be better, passing once per two weeks is best, three to four days for Vicel and same amount for Morsalines, two for Quettehou and two for Fontenay sur Mer. Second passage should be finished around 12th of November including two days off per week.
  • 6/11 second pressing
  • 9/11 beginning of third passage.
  • 16 - 19/11 2022 leaving for Czech Republic for "Výstup na Kleť", trip to Kleť mountain, yearly event of Scientific Faculty of South Bohemian University.
  • 24/11 third pressing
  • 26/11 beginning of four passage
  • 3/12/2022 fourth and last big pressing
  • 4/12/2022 fifth pressing - traditional style
  • 6/12/2022 end of harvest part of season 2022