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[[Events_2023|<<<Back to the Next Events page>>>]]
[[Events_2024|<<<Back to the Next Events page>>>]]
* 7/9/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic, summer market on the bank of the Vltava river in the center of Prague.
'''CZ''' Známý trh na břehu Vltavy v centru Prahy.
* 31/8/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic, summer market by the Vltava river in the center of Prague.
'''CZ''' Známý trh u Vltavy v centru Prahy.
* 24/8/2024 [ Highland Games Sychrov], Sychrov, Czech Republic. We were participating at this type of event for the first time, presenting especially our draft ciders.
'''CZ''' Skotské Hry na Sychrově jsou pro nás první akcí tohoto druhu, představili jsme zde především naše točené cidry.
* 22-27/8/2024 [ Země Živitelka 50 years anniversary!]. We were present at this major agricultural expo, please come and pop in!
'''CZ''' Budeme se účastnit padesátého ročníku tohoto velkého zemědělského veletrhu, přijďte a stavte se!
* 17/8/2024 [[Cider_flows_17082024|Cider Flows in Kout na Šumavě]], starting time 18h30. After quite a while we had another cider tasting in Kout na Šumavě in a very nice location called Korbelka with both indoor and outdoor options. Hint, the moto will be "old good England. Entrance is donation based no one turned away for lack of funds.
'''CZ''' [[Cider_flows_17082024|Ochutnávka cidrů v Koutě na Šumavě]], začínáme v 18h30. Po poměrně dlouhé době jsme měli v Koutě na Šumavě ochutnávku cidrů a to ve velmi hezké lokaci, Korbelka, která má velmi hezké vnitřní prostory, ale i terasu se zahradou. Nápověda, moto akce bylo "stará dobrá Anglie". Vstupné je dobrovolné, nikdo nebude odmítnut pro nedostatek "zdrojů".
* 17/8/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic, summer market in the center of Prague, where we are trying to be at least once or twice per month having something little new and different every time.
'''CZ''' Známý trh v centru Prahy, kde se snažíme být alespoň jednou či spíše dvakrát měsíčně nabízejíc nějakou tu mini-novinku vždy když se účastníme.
* 15/8/2024 Cidre Flows in [ Medovinárna&Dobrý Cider], Prague. This time we were especially after ciders from England which we got during our last trip to Midlands, [, tickets and more info here].
'''CZ''' Během této ochutnávky jsme se zaměřili na anglické cidry, které jsme si přivezli z naší poslední cesty do anglických Midlands, [, lístky a více infa zde].
* 11/8/2024 [ Farmářský Trh ve Františkových Lázních], Czech Republic was  our opening selling event in this spa town.
'''CZ''' Farmářský Trh ve Františkových Lázních bylo poprvé, co jsme nabídli naše výrobky v tomto městě.
* 10/8/2024 [ Farmářský Trh v Mariánských Lázních], Czech Republic was our first time we did a commercial activity in this famous spa town and it went well.
'''CZ''' Farmářský Trh v Mariánských Lázních byl naší první komerční akcí v tomto městě a šlapalo to!
* 3/8/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic, summer market in the center of Prague, where we were met you again.
'''CZ''' Známý trh v centru Prahy, kde jsme se opět potkali.
* 27-28/7/2024 [ Summer fair on Zámek Kozel] was our second time there participating enjoying this lovely historical spot.
'''CZ''' Letní Jarmark na Zámku Kozel byl naší druhou akcí v této velmi hezké historické lokalitě.
* 26/7/2024 [ Anenská Pouť] in Horšovský Týn is well known fair in our region, where we were for one day next to the coffee shop "NaKafe".
'''CZ''' Anenská Pouť v Horšovském Týně je velmi známou v našem kraji, byli jsme tam na jeden den hned vedle kavárny "Nakafe".
* 20/7/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic, summer market in the center of Prague, where you met us again and enjoyed our products including draft drinks.
'''CZ''' Další trh v centru Prahy, kde jsme se opěpt potkali a věříme, že jsme si užili našich produktů včetně těch na čepu.
* 13/7/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic, another summer market in the center of Prague, finally having whole draft system for cider and probiotic drinks of our own.
'''CZ''' Další trh v centru Prahy, kde se můžeme potkat a užít si naše produkty, konečně jsme měli výčepní zařízení pro cider a probiotické nápoje kompletní.
* 7/7/2024 [ Císařské Slavnosti] in Kdyně, very nice historical event in the local town of our region, thankfully we got a good weather and people came.
'''CZ''' Císařské Slavnosti jsou velmi zajímavou historickou akcí v našem regionálním městě, měli jsme štěstí na počasí a lidé přišli.
* 6/7/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic, summer at this lovely market with our draft ciders and probiotic drinks! We were still using partly borrowed equipment but working on getting our own.
'''CZ''' Léto na tomto moc hezkém trhu s naším točeným cidrem a probiotickými limonádami. Stále ještě používáme částečně vypůjčené vybavení, ale pracujeme na tom, aby jsme měli své.
* 23/5/2024 Cidre Flows in [ Medovinárna&Dobrý Cider], Prague. Focus of this tasting will be ciders from World Cider Seal from Litoměřice and Cider World in Frankfurt (link to ticket sale will be added soon). '''CZ''' "Světlo reflektorů", se během této akce zaměří na soutěžní vzorky cidrů ze Zlaté Pivní Pečeti v Litoměřicích a Cider Worldu ve Frankfurtu (prodej lístků bude za nedlouho zde).
* 21/5/2024 [[Cidre_flows|Cidre Flows]] in Nakafe [ Horšovský Týn] on 21th of May from 18h00. '''CZ''' Další ochutnávka cidru alias "[[Cidre_flows|cidre flows]]", kterou budeme pořádat v "Nakafe" v Horšovském Týně.
* 18/5/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic most likely number one farmers market in the country. Do we succeed in having draft cider? Come to find out! '''CZ''' Tento trh je pravděpodobně jedním z "nej" v zemi. Podaří se nám zařídit točený cider? Přijďte to zjistit!
* 26-27/4/2024 [ Cider World Frankfurt]. We were participating at the Cider World Frankfurt, Germany. There were plenty of interesting ciders to taste and topics with other cider professionals to discuss. Definitely worth of visiting.
* 19-20/4/2024 [ Mezinárodní Pivní Festival Zlatá Pečeť 34, 2024], [ Litoměřice]in Areal "Zahrada Čech". The weather was horrible but some "hard core" beer and ciders showed up, plus we won some awards.
* 16/4/2024 [ Local farmers market in Kdyně].
* 13/4/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic.
* 11/4 We were invited for the first Cider Flows to [ Vinný Domeček], [ Ústí nad Labem], starting at 19h00 address being, Štefánikova 9118, Ústí nad Labem, Klíše. It was very nice event, meeting some of our customers from the region, enjoying nice atmosphere all together.
* 8/4/2024 [ Cider Flows] with [ Alliance Française] in [ Žíznivá Gumovka]. Very nice event, more than twenty people attending, good coordination with Alliance Française Bohemia South, Žíznivá Gumovka and us.
* 6/4/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic one of the top markets in Czech Republic which was started shortly after Velvet Revolution. This time we used a proper stand which we made with Vojtěch and Lucie, including an old parasol.
* 3/4/2024 Cidre Flows in [ Medovinárna&Dobrý Cider], Prague. Our first tasting at there, it went nicely.  [ Ticket sale was here]
* 31/3 - 1/4/2024 [ Velikonoční Jarmark na Zámku Kozel], Czech Republic. This was our first time at this event and it was very nice, both the atmosphere and also the sales went well. We hope to participate next year again.
* 30/3/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic, where we more or less on regular basis present and sell our products.
* 23/3/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic. Another market in Prague, cold enough to make people happy with our hot cider.
* 21/3/2024 [ Cidershow], Praha, Czech Republic. We have participated at this yearly event for second time and it was very nice! There was quite a selection of ciders and related products.
* 19/3/2024 First farmers market in Kdyně of 2024 season and we have been there!
* 17/3/2024 [ Velikonoční/Easter's Jarmark] v Plzni Liticích, our first event with Trhy Aleš of this year.
* 10/3/2024 Kdyňské Velikonoce, Kdyně, Czech Republic. We have represented our project at the local traditional Easter's market.
* 9/3/2024 [ Farmářský Trh Náplavka], Praha, Czech Republic, another event at the famous Pragues's market.

* 27-30/12/2023  As a part of [ Food Hacking Base (fhb)] project, we will be at [ 37th Chaos Computer Congress(37c3)] where we give some [ cider tastings], [ presentation] and sales for suggested donations.
* 27-30/12/2023  As a part of [ Food Hacking Base (fhb)] project, we will be at [ 37th Chaos Computer Congress(37c3)] where we give some [ cider tastings], [ presentation] and sales for suggested donations.

Revision as of 11:26, 8 September 2024

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  • 7/9/2024 Farmářský Trh Náplavka, Praha, Czech Republic, summer market on the bank of the Vltava river in the center of Prague.

CZ Známý trh na břehu Vltavy v centru Prahy.

CZ Známý trh u Vltavy v centru Prahy.

  • 24/8/2024 Highland Games Sychrov, Sychrov, Czech Republic. We were participating at this type of event for the first time, presenting especially our draft ciders.

CZ Skotské Hry na Sychrově jsou pro nás první akcí tohoto druhu, představili jsme zde především naše točené cidry.

CZ Budeme se účastnit padesátého ročníku tohoto velkého zemědělského veletrhu, přijďte a stavte se!

  • 17/8/2024 Cider Flows in Kout na Šumavě, starting time 18h30. After quite a while we had another cider tasting in Kout na Šumavě in a very nice location called Korbelka with both indoor and outdoor options. Hint, the moto will be "old good England. Entrance is donation based no one turned away for lack of funds.

CZ Ochutnávka cidrů v Koutě na Šumavě, začínáme v 18h30. Po poměrně dlouhé době jsme měli v Koutě na Šumavě ochutnávku cidrů a to ve velmi hezké lokaci, Korbelka, která má velmi hezké vnitřní prostory, ale i terasu se zahradou. Nápověda, moto akce bylo "stará dobrá Anglie". Vstupné je dobrovolné, nikdo nebude odmítnut pro nedostatek "zdrojů".

  • 17/8/2024 Farmářský Trh Náplavka, Praha, Czech Republic, summer market in the center of Prague, where we are trying to be at least once or twice per month having something little new and different every time.

CZ Známý trh v centru Prahy, kde se snažíme být alespoň jednou či spíše dvakrát měsíčně nabízejíc nějakou tu mini-novinku vždy když se účastníme.

CZ Během této ochutnávky jsme se zaměřili na anglické cidry, které jsme si přivezli z naší poslední cesty do anglických Midlands, lístky a více infa zde.

CZ Farmářský Trh ve Františkových Lázních bylo poprvé, co jsme nabídli naše výrobky v tomto městě.

CZ Farmářský Trh v Mariánských Lázních byl naší první komerční akcí v tomto městě a šlapalo to!

CZ Známý trh v centru Prahy, kde jsme se opět potkali.

CZ Letní Jarmark na Zámku Kozel byl naší druhou akcí v této velmi hezké historické lokalitě.

  • 26/7/2024 Anenská Pouť in Horšovský Týn is well known fair in our region, where we were for one day next to the coffee shop "NaKafe".

CZ Anenská Pouť v Horšovském Týně je velmi známou v našem kraji, byli jsme tam na jeden den hned vedle kavárny "Nakafe".

  • 20/7/2024 Farmářský Trh Náplavka, Praha, Czech Republic, summer market in the center of Prague, where you met us again and enjoyed our products including draft drinks.

CZ Další trh v centru Prahy, kde jsme se opěpt potkali a věříme, že jsme si užili našich produktů včetně těch na čepu.

  • 13/7/2024 Farmářský Trh Náplavka, Praha, Czech Republic, another summer market in the center of Prague, finally having whole draft system for cider and probiotic drinks of our own.

CZ Další trh v centru Prahy, kde se můžeme potkat a užít si naše produkty, konečně jsme měli výčepní zařízení pro cider a probiotické nápoje kompletní.

  • 7/7/2024 Císařské Slavnosti in Kdyně, very nice historical event in the local town of our region, thankfully we got a good weather and people came.

CZ Císařské Slavnosti jsou velmi zajímavou historickou akcí v našem regionálním městě, měli jsme štěstí na počasí a lidé přišli.

  • 6/7/2024 Farmářský Trh Náplavka, Praha, Czech Republic, summer at this lovely market with our draft ciders and probiotic drinks! We were still using partly borrowed equipment but working on getting our own.

CZ Léto na tomto moc hezkém trhu s naším točeným cidrem a probiotickými limonádami. Stále ještě používáme částečně vypůjčené vybavení, ale pracujeme na tom, aby jsme měli své.

  • 23/5/2024 Cidre Flows in Medovinárna&Dobrý Cider, Prague. Focus of this tasting will be ciders from World Cider Seal from Litoměřice and Cider World in Frankfurt (link to ticket sale will be added soon). CZ "Světlo reflektorů", se během této akce zaměří na soutěžní vzorky cidrů ze Zlaté Pivní Pečeti v Litoměřicích a Cider Worldu ve Frankfurtu (prodej lístků bude za nedlouho zde).
  • 21/5/2024 Cidre Flows in Nakafe Horšovský Týn on 21th of May from 18h00. CZ Další ochutnávka cidru alias "cidre flows", kterou budeme pořádat v "Nakafe" v Horšovském Týně.
  • 18/5/2024 Farmářský Trh Náplavka, Praha, Czech Republic most likely number one farmers market in the country. Do we succeed in having draft cider? Come to find out! CZ Tento trh je pravděpodobně jedním z "nej" v zemi. Podaří se nám zařídit točený cider? Přijďte to zjistit!
  • 26-27/4/2024 Cider World Frankfurt. We were participating at the Cider World Frankfurt, Germany. There were plenty of interesting ciders to taste and topics with other cider professionals to discuss. Definitely worth of visiting.
  • 19-20/4/2024 Mezinárodní Pivní Festival Zlatá Pečeť 34, 2024, Litoměřicein Areal "Zahrada Čech". The weather was horrible but some "hard core" beer and ciders showed up, plus we won some awards.
  • 16/4/2024 Local farmers market in Kdyně.
  • 13/4/2024 Farmářský Trh Náplavka, Praha, Czech Republic.
  • 11/4 We were invited for the first Cider Flows to Vinný Domeček, Ústí nad Labem, starting at 19h00 address being, Štefánikova 9118, Ústí nad Labem, Klíše. It was very nice event, meeting some of our customers from the region, enjoying nice atmosphere all together.
  • 8/4/2024 Cider Flows with Alliance Française in Žíznivá Gumovka. Very nice event, more than twenty people attending, good coordination with Alliance Française Bohemia South, Žíznivá Gumovka and us.
  • 6/4/2024 Farmářský Trh Náplavka, Praha, Czech Republic one of the top markets in Czech Republic which was started shortly after Velvet Revolution. This time we used a proper stand which we made with Vojtěch and Lucie, including an old parasol.
  • 3/4/2024 Cidre Flows in Medovinárna&Dobrý Cider, Prague. Our first tasting at there, it went nicely. Ticket sale was here
  • 31/3 - 1/4/2024 Velikonoční Jarmark na Zámku Kozel, Czech Republic. This was our first time at this event and it was very nice, both the atmosphere and also the sales went well. We hope to participate next year again.
  • 30/3/2024 Farmářský Trh Náplavka, Praha, Czech Republic, where we more or less on regular basis present and sell our products.
  • 23/3/2024 Farmářský Trh Náplavka, Praha, Czech Republic. Another market in Prague, cold enough to make people happy with our hot cider.
  • 21/3/2024 Cidershow, Praha, Czech Republic. We have participated at this yearly event for second time and it was very nice! There was quite a selection of ciders and related products.
  • 19/3/2024 First farmers market in Kdyně of 2024 season and we have been there!
  • 17/3/2024 Velikonoční/Easter's Jarmark v Plzni Liticích, our first event with Trhy Aleš of this year.
  • 10/3/2024 Kdyňské Velikonoce, Kdyně, Czech Republic. We have represented our project at the local traditional Easter's market.
  • 9/3/2024 Farmářský Trh Náplavka, Praha, Czech Republic, another event at the famous Pragues's market.


  • 23/12/2023 Farmářské Trhy Náplavka, presentovali jsme a prodávali naše produkty a to i s horkým cidrem.
  • 16/12/2023 Zabijačkové hody Kdyně. Pod MKS Kdyně jsme se zúčastnili těchto hodů a řekněme takového uzavření farmářských trhů ve Kdyni, akce se opravdu povedla.
  • 10/12/2023 Trhy v Žižkárně, České Budějovice, 10h00-17h00. Po řadě měsíců jsme byli opět v ČB a bylo to príma.
  • 9/12/2023 Farmářské Trhy Náplavka, další presentace a prodej našách produktů.
  • On 25th of November, Saturday, we were at the Farmer's market at Náplavka in Prague.
  • Our participation at the event was canceled due to prolongation of the season. On 21th of November, Tuesday, we will be presenting our products at farmers market in Kdyně, Czech Republic.
  • Cider season in Normandie, happening from end of September till late November. Help of the volunteers was appreciated ,more info was here.
  • 23rd of September from 11h00 till 16h00 we were be participating at the Food Festival organized by association Jíme Jih in Dominikánský klášter in České Budějovice. We presented and sold our ciders and other products, it was really nice and quite some people flowing through.
  • on 15th of September since 19h00 we had cider tasting at Žíznivá Gumovka in České Budějovice, Czech Republic, entrance is donation at your will, sale of products afterwards.
  • * On 26th of August, we were again presenting and selling our ciders at Farmářské Trhy na Náplavce (Farmers markets) in Prague. This is one of the of the top markets in the country, so wish us luck and if you are around, pop in, you can not buy from us any cheaper at the moment, than directly at markets (or at cider flows guided cider tastings).
  • 7-9th of July 2023. As a part of the Food Hacking Base (fhb) project we were present at Not a Camp [tbd] at Het Groeveveldin, Amsterdam, Netherlands. We did some promotion of cider and a lots of cooking, it went nice!
  • The season of cidrie in Normandie, presentation at OV KSČM Domažlice (CZ) 24th of June, continuation of our collaboration which started already with preparation of set up of multimedia center in Cuba in 2010.
  • Carnivalle Brettanomyces, 15-18th of June in Amsterdam, we were presenting and selling our products, first time for us at this event!
  • Beer Festival in České Budějovice, Czech Republic, 2-3rd of June, organized by Žíznivá Gumovka, it was very nice!
  • Cider World Frankfurt, 28-29/4/2023 from 28th to 29th of April we will be visiting Cider World Frankfurt, Germany, it would be nice to meet if you are around! We will be there as professionals but not having a stand.
    • Unfortunately because of our car giving up a day before event and heading for repair, we could not make it.
  • Mezinárodní Pivní Festival 2023, Litoměřicein Areal "Zahrada Čech", 21-22/4/2023. We will be there competing and promoting our ciders having our own stand.
    • It went very well, we won third place in the category of Traditional Brut Cider and the presentation and sale of our products later on was a success.

on 30th of March since 18h00 we will organize our event in Prague in a Stibralova Villa Artistica !

on 28th of March we will be participating at Czech cider event CiderShow 2023 which will be happening already for tenth time, first time for us though.

on 18th of March 2023 we were invited to organize "Cider Flows, cider tasting&sale event at la Vielle École, microbrasserie artisanale l'Apaisée in Thônex next to Genève, Switzerland.

Cider Flows in Brmlab, Prague 8/12/2022

Cider Flows České Budějovice 16/11/2022

  • we have organized cider tasting in Experimental Academic Brewery Čtyrák in České Budějovic connected with sale of our products, very happy with the attendance and atmosphere.

May Contain Hackers (MCH) 2022

  • we have be participated at the MCH 2022 as part of the Food Hacking Base (fhb) group promoting our projects and products within the hacker scene.

Tour de Fruit, Saumur, France, 26th to 27th of May 2022.

  • We will be presenting our products at this lovely friendly cider dedicated event.
  • We had a very nice time at the event and we are looking forward to the next one.

Cider World Frankfurt in Frankfurt, Germany, 10th to 12th of June.

  • We will be present with our products at this biggest annual event dedicated to cider in Europe.
  • Unfortunately because of changing the job and lack of funds we had to cancel this event but plan to be present there next year.

SIVAL, Angers, France, 15th to 17th of March 2022.

  • We will be participating at the cider gathering which happens on last day of SIVAL on 17/3/2022.
  • Unfortunately we did not manage to participate at this event, the main issue was profound increase of costs of fuel which made it too expensive to come.